Keeping you well adjusted

Neck Pain
Back Pain

Our Services

Chiropractic care helps with a range of conditions. Here are a few of our most common.

  • Patients usually present to us for relief of symptoms. However once under chiropractic care patients can report improvement in their general health and wellbeing such as improved sleep, increased energy and improved digestion. Your nervous system is the master control system of our body. It controls everything from the way you move to the thoughts you have and the feelings you experience. It also directly controls bodily functions which you may be less aware of such as heart rate, breathing, digestion and general running of all your body cells and organs.

    No matter what age you are, If you have a spine and nervous system you can benefit from Chiropractic care!

  • Neck pain can be experienced when there is restricted movement between vertebrae in your neck which can cause pressure on your nerves. Chiropractic adjustments can help realign the joints in your neck and reduce pressure on your nerves providing relief and reduced muscle tension.

    Some causes of this neck irritation can be due to our posture or forward head carriage.

  • In NZ one of the most common reasons to visit a doctor for time off work is due to lower back pain. 8 in 10 people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain can be caused from multiple issues. Some of the most common causes we see are postural stress, nerve irritation, joint restriction, disc bulges or degenerative changes. Whatever the cause of your back pain is, at The Chiro Studio we will assess and diagnose it, and provide adjustments where necessary.

  • Headaches are a common condition we see in practice. Chiropractic care can be an effective way in managing headaches and migraines. Headaches can originate from the neck or back where spinal joints become restricted in movement, leading to nerve irritation and tight muscles which can then lead to a headache/ migraine. Common areas people may experience a headache is the base of the skull, top of the neck, behind the eyes, around the temples or around the sinuses. Relieving pressure off the spine and cranium through chiropractic adjustments can be a great way in managing headaches & migraines.

  • Sciatica is when there is irritation of the sciatic nerve (the largest nerve in the body). Sciatica pain often starts in the lower back and can refer into the legs and big toe causing pain, numbness, tingling, pins and needles and/or burning sensation. There are many causes of sciatica but some of the most common we see in practice are disc herniations, piriformis syndrome, spinal stenosis, degenerative changes. Common symptoms patients may present with is lower back pain with referred pain or numbness into the buttock, back of thigh, calves, lower leg, ankles and toes into one or both legs. Chiropractic care can be an effective, non-invasive way to alleviate Sciatica by taking pressure off the nerves and discs at levels of the spine which are irritated.

  • Posture is the position in which we hold our body while standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture puts the least strain on our muscles, ligaments, joints, nerves and discs. Postural related pain is now a very common presentation chiropractors are seeing in practice with the increased reliance of computers and mobile phone combined with prolonged hours of sitting behind a desk. At The Chiro Studio posture photos are taken at your initial visit, then retaken after a few weeks of care to see how your posture has improved. Along with the regular maintenance adjustments, postural exercises can also be provided to help ensure good posture stays!

  • During pregnancy your whole body changes as it nurtures a baby. There is an increase in relaxin hormone which means things can shift around quite easily. These changes your body goes through can cause increased strain on your posture and spine and at times these changes can be painful and uncomfortable. Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy can help in relief of pain but also assist in optimal positioning of the baby for labour. Common pregnancy complaints we see in practice that we can assist with are: lower back pain, sciatica, hip pain, mid back and rib pain, pubic symphysis pain and reflux. Chiropractic care is safe and effective for pregnant women. At The Chiro Studio we use specialised pregnancy techniques to help you during your pregnancy and we can assist you with home care and breathing techniques to help you during the birth process.

  • Chiropractic care is a natural and safe way to support your child's growing body. The amount of pressure we place on a newborn's spine is very different to what we use on an adult. Whether your newborn's birth was traumatic or normal, the first stress on your baby's spine and nervous system can be from the birth process. Getting your baby's spine checked by a Chiropractor can help give them the best possible start to life! Common presentations which we see in practice which could indicate your baby’s nervous system needs checking are: Head tilt, colic, reflux, flattening of the cranium, difficulty latching and difficulty sleeping.

    Even after the newborn stage, your child can still benefit from care. Children are very active, and falls and accidents are just a normal part of a child's growth and development. However these little stresses over time can develop and create issues during their later stages of life. Correcting these small misalignments in your child's spine now is much easier rather than in adulthood after years and years of wear and tear!

Child Chiropractic Car

Our Techniques



Cranial therapy

Sacro Occipital therapy (SOT)


Pregnancy/ Webster technique

Paediatric care (touch and hold)

What To Expect

  • Initial Consultation

    1. Initial Consultation

    Your chiropractor will review your health history to understand your health concerns and how we can help you. A thorough examination is performed consisting of a postural, spinal, orthopedic and neurological examination to assess the full picture of your concern/ spinal health. If clinically justified you may be referred out for x-rays at this visit.

    If safe to do so and required a chiropractic adjustment may be performed at this visit.

  • Report Of Findings

    2. Report Of Findings

    Once we have reviewed your findings, a detailed report will be explained to you about your spinal health providing you with a tailored care plan. A chiropractic adjustment will be provided at this visit if required and we will also provide you with recommendations to get you back on your feet.

  • Follow Up Appointments

    3. Follow Up Appointments

    Regular chiropractic adjustments will be provided to help improve your spinal health/ presenting complaint. Following your care plan recommended by your Chiropractor is very important to get the most out of chiropractic care.

  • Progress Examination

    4. Progress Examination

    A re-evaluation of your spinal heath is performed, with comparison to your initial visit. Further recommendations or exercises may be provided at this visit to maintain the progress you have already made.


m: 021 226 3554
p: 09 217 1760

13F Maki Street
Westgate Shopping Centre
Auckland, New Zealand
(Inside Westgate Pharmacy)
Get directions

We have plenty of free parking available.


Monday: 8:30am - 12:00pm & 3.00pm - 7.00pm
Tuesday: 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:30am- 1:00pm
Thursday: 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Sunday: Closed

If you require an appointment outside of these hours. Please get in touch.


Proudly Affiliated with

Easy-Claim Southern Cross Health Insurance